7 Reasons Why We Love A Cruise Drinks Package
7 Reasons Why We Love A Cruise Drinks Package
1. The ability to pre-purchase
It’s no secret we love drinking cocktails and fancy coffees and sometimes a combination of the two. So by purchasing a cruise drinks package, our hot and cold beverages are covered before we step foot on the ship. It means everything is done before we get on, and we can just get on with enjoying the cruise from the start.
2. We get to try something new
We love a cruise drinks package allows us to try something new and work our way through the cocktail menu of signature bars. However, we must admit Mark is much more focused on trying a different cocktail every night while I’ll tend to find a drink, I like and then keep coming back to it again and again. On Cunard in the Commodore Club, this was the three Queens Negroni, but I am rather partial to a Negroni.
3. We prefer glasses of wine and creating our own food pairings
Wine By The Bottle or wine by the glass. We don’t have to worry which pricey wine to buy. We were recently on a ship without a drinks package, and the Somalia was not impressed with our first wine choice, and said if you are wanting something at that price point, I suggest this one pointed severely at the wine menu, which, of course we ordered, and we must admit it was quite nice, but if we have been on the drinks package, Mark would’ve ordered something light to go with his seafood and i would have ordered a lovely red to go with my venison, then to finish a sweet dessert wine mark and a glass of port for me which only happens when we are on a drinks package. Whereas with a bottle of wine we are compelled to finish it and there’s no deviation.
4. Speciality, teas and coffees
there’s something about enjoying a fancy coffee at sea. It just seems to taste so much better especially when you’re on the drinks package and it’s all included. The problem is, we find the lovely little cakes on offer, are far too tempting, even when you’ve just had a full English breakfast or a fish and chip lunch.
5. Keeping and staying hydrated:
we always make sure the drinks package covers sparkling water, as we find it much more in the vacation spirit than the usual tapwater and much more refreshing. It also means we’ll get a bottle to go with dinner, meaning we can go hard, then soft with drinks and prelong our night out. Once we are ready for bed, will then pick up a bottle from the nearest bar, usually near the theatre, and take it back to the room.
6. Breakfast pick me ups
there’s nothing like a mimosa in the morning to put you in the holiday/vacation spirit. It just seems so fancy to enjoy a Bucks fizz or bloody Mary when served alongside smoked salmon. So, it’s even better when these cheeky drinks are covered by the cruise drinks package.
7. Peace of mind
We really don’t like our final bill as it means it’s the end of the cruise and we need to get off the ship, but with a drink package, at least we know all the drinks within the package are covered. Now this does not mean we don’t check to see if we got good value for money, but the peace of mind knowing it’s all been taken care of, helps us have a better cruise, as we are not worrying about a looming drinks bill. Instead we are enjoying every single drink choice we make - even if we don’t like the taste. Now we must say that not all drinks packages are created equal, that’s why if we don’t feel we got good value, the next time we sail on that particular cruise line, we will pay as we go and hope our feedback helps you and the cruise line know whether it’s worth it.
Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!
Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!
Linzi and Mark